Thursday, November 24


Thanksgiving was different this year. We didn't have anywhere to be until five, so we decided to go somewhere. We decided either Johnson Beach or Naval Live Oaks. We'd never been to Live Oaks as a family, so we decided to go there. We plunked around a bit, I tried to take pictures of butterflies-and failed-all in all, a great time. Then we went home, ate some snacks, and then the kids played video games and Mom worked on our dishes. We had to bring veggies to the Thanksgiving meal. Mom made broccoli casserole, carrots, and mashed potatoes. Mom did the peeling and chopping, and I added milk, butter, sour cream, and salt to our mashed potatoes. Yummy delicious! Then we headed out and had a fun meal with some friends (of my parents). The only person there who was my age was my older brother. So I kind of watched the little kids and made sure nobody died. Now we're at home, getting ready to konk out. Take tha, Black Friday-ers! I'm sleeping till noon! (Okay, maybe like, 8) Fine Arts tomorrow night (again)so I'm very excited!

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