Wednesday, August 29

Hurricane Isaac

There are lots of awesome things about living in Pensacola.
Like this...
And this...'s pretty cool. 
But there are also some pretty not cool things about living here too.
Like this...
Yup...that's the biggie. The beach and all the beautiful stuff is awesome, but there's that certain time of the year that's known as "hurricane season" that's not so awesome.
Of course, you all know me and I HAD to take pictures of all the weird weather stuff. :)
 The clouds on Monday morning, before the hurricane hit. It was starting to get really windy, but it calmed down enough for us to get the hurricane shutters up, which was a huge blessing. :)
 More clouds...there were so many different kinds and they all looked so cool!!
 Monday afternoon...things are starting to get going!
 The hurricane shutters.
Over our fence and across the common area. I almost got blown off the fence cuz it was so windy. :) 
Never you fear though, even though those clouds look a little daunting, there is basically no problem with this hurricane for us. I can't speak for those in New Orleans or anywhere further west of us, but all we've suffered from this storm is a blustery, wet day...which is normal in Pensacola. 

This is a scam....not really. :)

Hey you!! Yeah, you with the face!!
I know that I don't have very many followers, but if of you guys could go to this website and vote for my cousin Allison's essay, it would mean a lot! Just go and click VOTE and VOTE for HER essay The Written Dream! And if you like you could even, maybe...I don't know, read it....just a possibility. :)

Click, go, VOTE! Thanks!! <3
The Written Dream

Friday, August 24

Life is fabulous!!

Okay...this post will contain some of the things that have happened to me recently...and some things that WILL be happening soon.
So...first off....I don't remember what happened first.
I do believe it was the Pride and Prejudice sleepover with my friends. And what we originally thought was a bad thing...wasn't. In fact, the alternative was much better than we could have thought. Essentially, Giggle Fest 2012 (like all our sleepovers).
Then Geoffrey and I played an offertory in church. Normally, this wouldn't be a huge thing, but this was our first time and since our church is pretty big. It was a fairly intimidating thing. Fortunately, I had Geoff right there with me, so I was pretty chill. I knew that even if I messed up, I could at least try to pin it on him.
And then we started school.
We taught our friends a new game, which we learned from OUR friends, and they taught our other friends. Now we all know how to play! And I'm going to try my hardest not to break anyone's hand next time.
Then me and Batman went out to lunch and went shopping.
And then came Spanish class...and the saddest day of my life.
And we planned our SGA year a little more.
On to future events....
Tomorrow is the WFHESL opening picnic and I am incredibly excited to see my friends again after a week of school. Love you guys!
AND two of the guys I met at camp are coming here for college VEEERY soon and I'm quite excited to see them! As long as they don't have Altoids in church...
Anyway, that's what's been up with my life lately!!! I hope this wasn't too incredibly boring... <3

Friday, August 10


My trip to Mississippi was fun! Of course it was nice to see my grandparents, and there were lots of other fun happenings...that yeah.
I volunteered at the library there. Most of you probably know that I volunteer at the library here, and my grandma works at the library there, and they needed help there, so I came and worked for a couple hours. It was different than our library. Some of you may be saying, "How could it be? A library's a library!"
But oh, my friend, you are mistaken.
The DVDs in this particular library were not only Dewey system but also alphabetized. It was weird...but I got used to it fairly quickly. Although I imagine I looked like a poor lost puppy the first couple of DVDs.
Still, I do not approve of the AlphabeDewey system.

Wednesday, August 8

Sitting still

I'm sitting here pondering my summer.
For those of you who know me, even just the thought of me sitting still probably blows your mind, not to mention me actually being serious.
But it's true, I am. A lot happened to me this summer. Some of it I was kind of expecting, and other things were pleasant surprises.
One of the big things is that I got a lot closer to all of my friends, thanks to some things that had seemed terrible at first. Looking for the good things in life has really changed the way I look at my situations.
Another thing I learned is that algebra is not as hard as I thought it was. Difficult, yes; annoying, absolutely; but by no means is it impossible.
Another thing I learned is that it's a good idea to keep track of where the dog doo was when you're playing Ultimate Frisbee barefoot. This is a wonderful example of hands-on learning, (or should I say feet-on?) in my opinion.
Another thing I learned is that my cousins are some of the most amazing people in the world. No matter what we were doing, as long as we were together it was fun; from singing to tipping canoes. Sometimes I almost wish that I had nasty mean cousins so that I wouldn't miss them so much the rest of the year...but then I think about how LAME our family reunions would be then and I change my mind. I love them the way they are!
And of course, all the things I learned at camp, and to quote the book of John: The which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written.
So, all things considered, I think this summer was a pretty good one. 
Now I suppose I'm ready for school to start...

Friday, August 3

Songs in the Park

Last night was the last Songs in the Park ever EVER!!! :'(
As sad as that is, I have to say that it was a FABULOUS last night! I really couldn't have asked for a much better night! Except that I might have asked for it to be a little cooler...but oh well. The Frisbee game was awesome!
 The Frisbee is my best friend...

 I was Dad's official corn-buyer. I was walking through the park carrying this giant corn on the cob and I felt like I was carrying the Olympic torch or something.
 The tree just looked like it needed a hug.

Thursday, August 2


Man, it's been a long time since I posted! Sorry...
Anyways, I did some baking today!
The first thing I made was Italian cream cake. I had never made it before, and I rarely bake cakes from scratch, so this was kind of a big thing for me! It had lots of ingredients...
So after a lot of measuring, mixing, and scratching my head in confusion, I came up with this.
 When I bake stuff, I'm normally so excited to eat it that I tend to rush things and mess it up.
Every other time I've made a cake from scratch (not in my EZ Bake oven), things look beautiful until I have to frost it. And then, all of a sudden, the cake collapses under the weight of all the frosting I put on there (what? I love frosting!) and it's a terrible scene...I think this time, the cake was so sturdy that it could handle the frosting and it stood up just fine. Add chopped walnuts, and you have a work of culinary art.
 It tastes good. :)
I made brownies too, but as they're from a mix, there are no interesting stories there. But they taste really good too. :)
I'm really going to try to post more, but there hasn't been that much happening lately! Hopefully when school starts back up there will be stuff to talk about that won't have you snoring.