Thursday, June 20

Meet Gracie

This is Gracie. 
(She says hello)
I know lots of you have probably met Gracie, but also many of you haven't.
You are missing out. So I would like to introduce you to the love of my life, my fuzzy blessing, my reason for living - also known dog. :)
Now, those of you who have met Grace know that she Outspoken (to put it nicely. And therefore, I will insert her commentary in italics, so you can hear both sides of the story.

Gracie is a chocolate and white American cocker spaniel. And I am very pretty. And she is very pretty.
She's also VERY spoiled. AM NOT!!! Um. Yes you are. AM NOT!!!!!!
We got her in July of 2010, and I was very very happy to bring her home as I had been wanting a dog for a REALLY long time!!
We were really excited to have her, and she has been a constant joy. Oh, stop it you.
She's also a huge pain in the cheerios, as she hates....well. People in general, it seems. Our dog is a psychopath. Am not. 
Ignoring that.....
Give me food.
No! I'm in the middle of a -

I hope you all have enjoyed getting to meet Gracie, and I'm sure that she would love you all if she got the chance to meet you and once she stopped being a psycho puppy. ;) 

1 comment:

  1. Aww! I have met her numerous times, but only online. I love seeing her though! Online...that is.
