Friday, August 10


My trip to Mississippi was fun! Of course it was nice to see my grandparents, and there were lots of other fun happenings...that yeah.
I volunteered at the library there. Most of you probably know that I volunteer at the library here, and my grandma works at the library there, and they needed help there, so I came and worked for a couple hours. It was different than our library. Some of you may be saying, "How could it be? A library's a library!"
But oh, my friend, you are mistaken.
The DVDs in this particular library were not only Dewey system but also alphabetized. It was weird...but I got used to it fairly quickly. Although I imagine I looked like a poor lost puppy the first couple of DVDs.
Still, I do not approve of the AlphabeDewey system.

1 comment:

  1. Working at the Brandon library gave you more experience--seeing that there are different ways to do something. I was proud of you for doing it; it would have been easier to just sit at home, but you stepped out of your comfort zone to go and help out.
