Wednesday, February 19


I think I'm a skeptic.

Although, since a skeptic is someone who is "inclined to question or doubt all accepted opinions," maybe I'm just going to decide that my opinion about what a skeptic is differs from the generally accepted opinion about what a skeptic is. And how am I to know that my differing opinion matches with any other skeptics' differing opinions? Can we legitimately clump all skeptics/anti-skeptics into one category? What if I think I'm a skeptic, but the generally accepted opinion would say that I'm not? Does it still count? Is there any way to really know who's a skeptic and who isn't?

You could say I'm skeptic about being a skeptic.
Something else I'm skeptic about - why in the world isn't skepticality a word?
It should be. So I'm going to use it.

And I have now officially achieved a level of English lexical proficiency equaled only by Shakespeare.
If you can't find the word you're looking for, make one up.

There's something else you could be skeptical about - can you even do that?

So I definitely do question or doubt several accepted opinions. But certainly not all.
I don't question the opinion that people should work in order to get paid, or that getting a physical at the doctor's kind of sucks.
I'm a selective skeptic.

But there are a few things that I'm just not buying. And since I know you guys think I'm everrrrr so iiiiiinteresting... I decided to talk about me a little bit.

I'm skeptical quite frequently in my English Comp II class. For example, we recently read "A Good Man is Hard to Find," a very bummerific story. Apparently the author is well-known for her character development, which is supposed to be very good. One of the characters was described as having a face "as broad and innocent as a cabbage." So my teacher was telling us about all the possible meanings of that - cabbage is a very common vegetable, cabbage isn't especially pretty, cabbage isn't very well-liked, etc... And I was sitting there being very skeptical. Could it possibly be that maybe the author just happened to be from THE SOUTH where cabbage is LITERALLY EVERYWHERE and MAYBE SHE REALLY JUST MEANT CABBAGE AND NOTHING ELSE?
Of course not. That would be dumb. Of course the author wants you to read into every single thing they say and not just think, "Oh, cabbage, oh, okay, moving on."
Of course. I keep getting in trouble in that class for not taking assignments seriously. But really, there's no way that everything that literary analysts draw from just six or seven words is always perfectly aligned with the original intent of the author.

I am skeptical when it comes to hippie literary analysis.

I'm skeptical when using social media. I've talked about my social media before, so you all know I rather like it. However, a lot of people post things publicly with ulterior motives or just to spite one specific person and the rest of us are just sitting there like
 I guess that's not really something that makes me skeptical so much as something that really annoys me.
If you do this - please stop.
But seriously, consider Facebook poking for a minute. Other than being a fun and noncommittal way to annoy your friends (despite being invented just as a way to get someone's attention and let them know that you exist), why do we have it? I use it only because I like to pick on the people I like the most, and it enables me to do so.
But those of you who know me in real life know that if I want to get your attention, I'll either kick you in the shins, slap you upside the head, sneak up behind you and give you an energetic hug, make a weird animal noise, or - shocker - say your name (preferably in a really weird voice or accompanied by a terrifying face). I really wish that there was some way to mod your Facebook to allow for some of these more realistic actions.

You know, I got really off topic, and now I'm quite skeptical as to whether or not this post is going to make any sense.

But what if I decide my opinion about what makes sense differs from the generally accepted opinion about what makes sense? Would my sense still count as nonsense, or would it be sense, and just a different sort of sense? Or would it be nonsense to someone else whose sense is nonsense to me? Is there any way to truly define what makes sense and what is nonsense? And what if your opinion differs from my differing opinion?

Well, then you just might be a skeptic, too.


  1. I am happy to have raised a skeptic, as long as that means you think for yourself and make decisions based on the truths in God's Word, not what people tell you AND as long as that skepticism doesn't become pessimism or negativity. Life is still a beautiful prospect. Love you, Meredith!

  2. Hey Meredith! I've nominated you for the Liebster and Sunflower awards over at my blog, Delight in Joy. ( I hope you decide to participate in one or both of them! Let me know if you do! :)

  3. When I have a lot of options, I don't know what kind of ice cream to get. It's awful.
