Sunday, April 1

Busy as a really lazy bee...

I haven't been posting a lot lately, as I'm sure you've noticed. That's because a) we've been pretty busy, and b) there hasn't been a whole lot of interesting stuff to blog about. Today I'm going to just start typing and see where it goes! Chances are that my posts will become even less frequent as the month progresses, because we're getting close to the end of the school year and that's always a super busy time. Once the month is over, I should have some more time as one or more of my classes will be finished by then. Also, I'm starting to get excited about our family reunion, which is only two months away!
I'm starting to have an idea about how my summer is going to go (algebra, possibly working at Publix, volunteering at the library, maybe playing for the church children's choir, hanging out with my friends, training for a September 5k) and I'm pretty happy with it at this point. One of my goals for this summer is to spend more time with my friends, cuz the last couple of summers, I've been kind of isolated to an extent. :) I'm hoping to be able to go to music camp at PCC this summer, which would be awesome. I'm also hoping to do a Bible study with some of my friends this summer, so we'll see how that works out.
There's a lot on my mind lately. Ninth grade is a big step up from eighth (not to scare you eighth graders or anything) and I'm nearing tenth already. So you don't feel like you missed out on anything in my life, in between my blog posts from February and March, we did school, piano lessons, PE, I babysat, hung out with my friends, did more school, practiced piano, played catch, and a couple of other typical things. Nothing major has happened recently that I haven't blogged about. And of course I'm occupied with the usual teenage girl things.
This week is spring break for our co-op, but I still have lots to do. I'm hoping to do some yard work and get our pool back to where we can swim in it again (right now it's green and has a bunch of strange insects living in it). I also have to write a couple of papers and hopefully clean up the house a little. The thought is making me tired. I think I shall go take a nap. :)


  1. Wow, you sound like you're busy aalll the time! :D
    We have neighbors that we actually know from church that have a swimming pool. They have lived there a looong time, and most of us have probably learned to swim there! It's where I learn to not hold my nose under water. :) It is very convenient for us. Many summers were spent at that swimming pool...

  2. Sarah Me =)2/4/12 5:17 PM

    Aw, sounds like you guys are really busy. :) I know how that can be; but it is a good thing that summer is comming up, and I know how exited you are for your family reunion. :D So after all the work of getting school stuff done, you have the summer full of swimming, Publix, and just a little tiny bit of school to look forward to. :)
