Wednesday, February 8

My collection

Since we're considering selling some of our artwork at the local farmers market, I've been trying to build up a collection of artwork, since I normally don't have a lot just sitting around. Here's what I have so far!
Sadly, the color got somewhat washed out of this one. I have to say, I am very proud of that monarch butterfly in the lower right corner. Watercolor is not a medium that is typically very detailed (which is why I like it) but that butterfly has some very fine details. What say you?
This one is messed up in so many different places, it's not even funny. I think the term for a picture like this where features are exaggerated and stuff would be hyper realistic. I'm not sure. Still, I want opinions, so fire away! :)
This one I really don't like. At all. I messed up all over the place, but I've had several folks tell me that it's good, so what do you think? I might still put it in a box in my closet, though. :)
Sorry about the crookedness - the scanner was being weird. Anyways, this one I did a couple years ago for the homeschool art show, and it's still one of my best paintings ever. This one and the hummingbird I posted a while back are my favorites, I think. I like how the background is so drab and contrasts with the brilliance of the bird (the brilliance is a lot more brilliant in real life; the scanner didn't pick it up) quite nicely.

Watercolor is my main medium. I also like to mess around with photography, but I'm not that good at it. Stick to what you know and excel at it. Of course, I didn't always used to be good with watercolors. Here's one of my first ever serious paintings. Painting attempt, rather....
See, if I was a real artist, I could say, "It's an abstract painting, inspired by squirrels."
But since I'm not, I guess I'll call it what it is: EPIC WATERCOLOR FAIL.
Hey, in my defense, I was very inexperienced with watercolors at that point, and I was only ten. And squirrels do not lend themselves well to watercolors, with all their fur with the weird textures and stuff. Maybe I should try this same picture again and see how it comes out now that I have painted for four more years...


  1. Wow! You have done a lot with watercolors. I have only just recently seriously picked it up and have had a lot of fun with it! Your first picture is great! It is hard getting details with watercolors. I really liked the bird as well because of all the different elements and textures. I think my favorite was the squirrel. Haha! I know, but he is so funny! It is so...squirrely!

  2. I love that first picture. That's where my mom would like to be. :) You are a great drawer and painter, if I may say so.

  3. If you would just add a cup of coffee or a glass of iced tea to the first picture, I think it would be pretty much perfect.

    You have come a long way in your painting. I don't know how you do it, but I love that you have this talent!

  4. Sweet mother of pearl! Those are great! When is the farmers market?

  5. Yay! I can't wait 'till you guys come to the market!! =D nndvj6d5j6j9f8jdg265c2m2 xcj5f5j3fdj2f2dfkf

  6. Sarah Me =)8/2/12 6:47 PM

    Ok, so here is the real comment:
    I can't wait for you guys to come to the market!!!! =D They are all really good, but I love the first and the second one! And I really like your squirrel! It almost looks like you can just add some fur to its body and it would be amazing! :D
